It's really all about you
Yes! At the end of the day, it’s really all about you, you, you alone. The “I, me, myself” surfaces from Hades, from behind the many faces we wear which is an amalgam of education, civilization, co-existence and obligation. And somewhere in all of this, is juxtaposed, something we call hope – hope that originates from a deep down spark of real truth – A truth that defines logic, builds faith and the fire that really drives us – and in saner days sans the obscurity, we know, we speak, we live and we do things that really just gravitate to one focal point – YOU The question resounds – At the end of the day, what is that one thing that defines you? Have I lost all hope and hence sound cynical – I remember the madman running the streets of ancient world – shouting – …. who lit up a lantern in the radiant hours of morning, ran into the market place, and cried out: “I seek God! I seek God!” – Since many of the people who did not believe in God were gathered there, he provoked a great deal of...