The age of the Googler
When was the last time we really did not google and made up our own damn mind about any issue, or not go with the “popular” data consensus of the first 10 results? I see this degenerate thing of “believing” that if it’s on Google it’s right , or even worse – think that “if it’s not on Google, then its wrong” – Want a sample – try googling, “Is sex real?” – hehehhe, and Voila you will get some really bad links, but the point is, we just skip past the question and even ignore it . Now let’s google – “Are women idiots?” - and yes before you can reach for my throat, yes, google “Are Men Idiots” too, and yes, you can have rather strong arguments about each, with psycho analysis, and based on what you want (being male or female), the data magically seems to build up – while we know that the intent of the questions could have been much different that the way they are worded. Now with the “data”, again we forget why the question was asked, and go down the path of glorious distractions,...