Random tidbits about my workplaces

  • Wipro had the fastest IT response time – under 2 mins – every time, all the time :) - Amazing
  • All most every single Finance / HR head across all the companies have been sacked / tried for either financial fraud or sexual abuse!!! – And all these companies have the longest essays on everything ‘ethical’
  • All but at one company (SumTotal) – I have seen people make-out or watch porn in the conference room
  • A comment that’s blog worthy
Working with XXXX is like reliving the dream of high school - except that....in high school it was fun, but a few years down the lane, you see it as being stupid and occasionally laugh at yourself....but it gets even more frustrating when you have to hear self appointed pompous asses who make a big deal of it - grow up guys!!!! Unfortunately... I am living that for now - just can't wait to get out of high school
  • No company ever gave a financial bonus to any employees, while each maintained at least 40% profit Y-O-Y
  • Across all companies – ‘hikes ‘ came before appraisals finished
  • Every company spoke more(good or bad) of their competitors than themselves
  • Nobody “apparently” had any attrition problems – hehehe


Arjun said…
we need more of this.