
Showing posts from July, 2009

Being Broke

There was a time, when being broke meant being broke. You had no money in your pocket, your bank and no hope of any deposits mysteriously appearing out of no where. Come this modern era, I wonder if any of us are / can be really broke in the classical term. You have an overdraft, a nice big credit limit on a few cards, and a whole range of managed funds - in simple terms - Cash Flow. After being on half pay for almost half a year, and a fast dwindling bottom line, and more than expected expenses - my monthly balance sheet shows a big 5 digit figure in the red. Yet, I am making some 6 digit investments in small time businesses(assuming they will payout in the short term), watch movies at IMAX, reading and buying books. I wonder, today looking at the red, if I am broke - in pure accounting terms, if my other assets get frozen, I can file for bankruptcy - hmmm The modern day definition of being broke is that your cards get frozen, bank account reads zero, and you have no money...


.... And when I say 'whatever', it means, I am at the end of the line. Whatever Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone Essar

The case of a Genius gone wrong

It all starts early, when everyone around him is fascinated by his apparent breadth of understanding, while in reality it’s amplitude that really sets him apart – in short, he sets off on a path of deeper probing, while the world assumes a broader spreading. The initial conflicts appear as rather curious quirks, and are put up with as rather fascinating, and yeah, he will eventually grow up and understand – except that, his long lone way of a single journey, not encompassing a broad horizon starts – In short, a loner in the making, with a flamboyant outlook. And, then along the way, in his growing years, he meets and finds some cloned cousins who can give endless intellectual orgasm, and they become friends for a while. And the clock ticks, where the loner, for some time, with his friends started expanding his circle, suddenly realized that he misses, what he most cherishes – amplitude, and off, he sets on a path, of deeper understanding again. And , the clock ticks, till he finds no o...