A short race on the endless mill …

I have started discovering quite a few paradoxes of late. The biggest of them – I have been running… running…running…..running so much…but .. There is so much flab around my waist….hmm…yes that’s the point… I have been “running” but on a completely different track.

On one of my late night readings the other night – I have come across a statement that suddenly halted my track – and forced me to take a pause –

It is said that Humans are the only creatures who run faster when they lose their way. The result - Increased irritability, Frayed Nerves, Impatience, Shorter fuses, Preoccupation and Procrastination- unfortunately all when it comes to choosing the right priorities. – Charles R. Swindoll
I paused and questioned – Why exactly have I been running so much – Run to climb 2 rungs at a time in the corporate ladder? Chew on books not be outdone? Analyze 4 steps at a time, so that you “read” the mind of the one you are speaking to? …….and…the old song rings the bells…

This is one blog that's hard to finish... the race continues...



Run ....


Arjun said…
i need a phot of you running - preferably a video!!! Only then shall I believe - or maybe a PIC of the after effects :-)