Missing Day

Today, I am in a "miss a lot of things" mood

I miss the Himalayas
I miss Mumbai
I miss the fine weather after rain
I miss bunking office
I miss peacock lake
I miss watching movies alone
I miss Mumbai
I miss brilliant traditional home cooked andhra veggie food
I miss reading heavy philosophy (all philosophers are dead)
I miss writing intense blogs
I miss giving gyan (free gyan kinds - paid yes :P)
I miss the glee in the eye for simple thingies
I miss being rebellious
I miss being irreverent
I miss the joy of sunday school
I miss hardcore intellectual debates
I miss arguments where both the parties have a strong case
I miss apologetics
I miss running 10 kms
I miss 'managing' credit cards
I miss being the good son (7th class was the last known attempt)
I miss working on a 1000 item project plan
I miss making black money (hmmm... should start back)
I miss running small alternate business(es)
I miss Dark Temptation @ barista
I miss staying awake till 4 AM
I miss playing the guitar
I miss hacking
I miss illegal downloads
I miss making people incredbly happy with small sweet nothings
I miss a few friends
I miss being on a high
I miss being pensive
I miss being cranky
I miss religious debates (with respect and honour)
I miss being in love
I miss being loved
I miss expermenting with colours
I miss charcoal
I miss creating excel sheets with complex maros
I miss college from kerela
I miss Nizam college
I miss teaching basket ball to unsuspecting sexy female juniors
I miss theoritical physics classes
I miss playing with LAZERS
I miss the smell of H2S
I miss dancing in the chemistry lab with a doctor friend
I miss bunking classes at mba college
I miss making senior management bearing the grunt of hiring me (not really :P)
I miss beautiful flowers
I miss triple shot coffee
I miss the sunrise with gusty wind
I miss the sunset chasing the clouds
I miss the office roof
I miss Irani Chai
I miss old city
I miss the old prof in nuclear physics
I miss the stink of sweat after playing a cricket match the whole day
I miss the sweet nothing words "you are ...... "
I miss conference calls when you had the last laugh
I miss sitting on the floor in a conf room, amidst a serious discussion & watch the fun
I miss driving off on my bike
I miss hearing heavy metal
I miss stock market analysis
I miss secret holidays with friends
I miss telling small lil white lies
I miss being the nasty guy
I miss ....

I miss ....


The Goddess said…
I miss ....

no no, you mister :P
Anonymous said…
hey there,

can help you with a few:

*Dark Temptation @ barista - i can buy you one, or you can buy me one, both are fine by me
*I miss making people incredbly happy with small sweet nothings - well you can make me happy hee haaa
*I miss expermenting with colours
I miss charcoal - you lazy bum, you have only yourself to blame, you were suppposed to have started work with charcoals two months ago!
*I miss creating excel sheets with complex maros - why don't you help me with a few :)
*I miss triple shot coffee - hmm treats on me
*I miss old city - lets go
*I miss driving off on my bike - me tooooooo
I miss secret holidays with friends - hmmm boat rides at 5 in the morning, train rides up north, the beach and the lost spectacles, bicycle rides, hills & monkeys .... sigh

Mlvk said…
You miss Mumbai TWICE! So come over!!!

And I am surprised that you miss being cranky! How did you EVER qualify for an IT company without being *CRANKY* ...!!!! ;)
@ Xai -
Yes Miss

@ Calvin -

@ Mlvk -
Coming soon to mumbai ...may be next week - coffee?
Arjun said…
what makes you think you are not loved?????
@ Arjun

as of April 16th - thats what I felt :)