Doing over being
We are living today in a culture of Doing over Being. We rush from one thing to the next, from one achievement to another - often not so much enjoying our achievements as registering them and hopping to the next task - never stopping to take a step back, look at our life as a whole; examine it; reflect on the general shape and direction we would like to give it; take a deep breath and be.
This obsession with doing is something of a cultural neurosis: by doing and doing and doing, we escape from being - we do our lives away. It is this meaningless rushing about, without any thought given to any final ends or general purpose that we should condemn.
Wondering who penned this - Socrates - Somewhere in the BC. Sounds like he wrote now!
It was nice talking to you today. Will catch up soon.
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yes... wrong.
Just be yourself
What can I say except Great Minds Do Think Alike...