The Skeptic
One being a skeptic somehow radiates a bad aura, and I often wonder WHY? Taking a pause to look into the eyes of a skeptic – There are a few soft but strong assumptions that we take when we meet a skeptic. 1. We assume the same level of knowledge, coherence and comprehension on the stated belief systems 2. Assume the world view in which the skeptic operates and raises the questions as being the same you are in 3. Assume that the skeptic is infinite in his questions – There is a sense of finality that really drives the skeptic However, what would make a skeptic, an honest one or otherwise? I think it’s a simple thing – Are the questions part of the quest for the answer, or the questions an attempt to find a crack in the respondents answer. I love skeptics ( and I am one too sometimes ), especially the honest ones – They think, make you think and drive you to seek and attain clarity about the basic tenants that we base our world view and outlook on. To skeptics, Gnaw it off - Johnny