A taste of reality
I am not the one to burn bridges with haste, but sometimes, I just hate it so much; that at will I can choose to uproot even the mountains that create the need for a bridge.
No Mountains, no bridges, just an open expanse of whatever you call that.
I detest when someone uses me to be the shoulder to fire a gun, and move away with the notion that I would not realize - something that people forget - when you fire a gun - there is a recoil that hits the shoulder, and that does jolt even the dumbest one to know that it was their shoulder, from which the gun was fired.
Today is one of those moments that I feel like uprooting a few mountains - but, I don’t burn bridges that fast. Hope that moment does not come
No Mountains, no bridges, just an open expanse of whatever you call that.
I detest when someone uses me to be the shoulder to fire a gun, and move away with the notion that I would not realize - something that people forget - when you fire a gun - there is a recoil that hits the shoulder, and that does jolt even the dumbest one to know that it was their shoulder, from which the gun was fired.
If you have a question, and chose to ask - be prepared to hear the answer. Why make a mockery of the answer and me? - There was nothing to speak if the question was not asked! - Balls!You wanna live a real life, get real, there is more than one real world!
Mediocrity reigns and I am tired of people who in general know only one world - 'their world" and make a mockery of everything else that’s not as per the laws of a fictitious world
Today is one of those moments that I feel like uprooting a few mountains - but, I don’t burn bridges that fast. Hope that moment does not come
- Gyani, cos I have worked hard to get it, and I am grateful to the One above for the same.
i'll give you another one.....