
Showing posts from 2007


Alas for that moment when man ate of the fruit of knowledge, that he was condemned with the consequences of a powerful brain, a mortal body and a frail will. ….and so did the eternal quest for the quenching of an insatiable cerebellum continues, only to be subdued by occasional spurts of clouded happiness; most of which is a result of blinded reality to reality – the only reality being – you are a sojourner and there is really no rest to the head, and consequently to the body, emotions and everything thereof. …and walking the beaten path or treading along unchartered territory, you will still hold points of references, for what? – Lest we have to retract, or milestones that subdue reality of a time being, to recharge for continuing winding journey ahead. …and there comes along an Oasis, (that) we look with joy, and almost always later leave into the desert with spite – Is it really spite? – At best they a seen as a spring in the desert (literally) while the journey is really out in the...

Smart Ass @ Work


Work and Internet


Comment ca va?

A post after a long time – for those who know me well, they must be wondering how come the cranking sound of thoughts sounded so silent for so long a time, and ah from John – is everything alright? As I look back over the hiatus, something I really learnt to appreciate (or rather embrace) – silence. Silence, something that needs no words sometimes and avoids words sometimes, and both have their place and time. In this period of silence, I have seen “adults” write me off, as being naïve, “happening” guys give gyan about life, “morally upright” sign me off as evil, professional equations change based on perceptions, personal equations change based on impressions of “accomplishment possible”, and a few ( for whom I remained the same ) for whom nothing else mattered, even silence. Ecoute le silence – a French phrase I use occasionally, and it just about sounds so good – The literal translation of the same – “Hear the silence”. In what seems to be a tumultuous rage of changes, memory echoe...

Meet the American Indians

I really really hope that the words “American Indian” is considered as a racist term, and I wanna call a lot of desi babus here by that name. It’s funny to meet the breed out here – Most guys from the land of Gult (50%) and the rest are Mallus, Tams and North Indians. You need to answer the following 3 questions, or have a placard, that you can handover to all “American Indians” 1. What Visa are you on 2. How long in the US 3. What’s your Salary The answers to these questions decide how you will be treated, and how long you will be spoken to, and how many times you can probably call! Visa / Length of Stay – Essentially, if you are on a short stay, you will be kept at bay – everyone lives with this morbid fear that, you will cling on to them, and suck their blood out, and ask for favours! Even responses about locale are guarded – The stranger on the street, is much more responsive! Once they know you are not on a H1 / L1 – every alternate guy offers deals on how to get a H1. The followi...

Single, available and in the US

Well, like I stated it many times – You can do well in India (both numerically and otherwise), and it does not always mean that only the best go to the land of infinite promises, but a few choose to stay back too. Here I am, in usa-puram (like I called it all along) and much to the disappointment of many people back home, I am not the excited jack, pumping excitement. Touch down at Newark – the first thought that crosses my mind – Hey John, you are in the US – Single, available and not sleepy. The single part is important, and has a small history to it. Rewind to the winter of 2000 – Young (ya really young), the flamboyant yuppie of a PM, chosen against all odds to head to the US, to be the guy to manage the new line of business, the company had bet its money on. Standing in the simmering heat of Chennai, outside the American Consulate, even before I entered the fortified building, a strange thought crossed my head – You will not go to the US till you are married. Really strange, I t...

Moving Ahead

The best thing about “Moving Ahead”, is that there is movement, and there is a hope for the future. The irony is that, there is a sense of negativity built around the word, and the general feeling of it. Quite a few changes have taken place over the last 1 month, and I hear these words – move ahead, moving ahead, things will be fine etc. Ya, time to act, time to be a lil nice to myself. I pray, I wish, I hope, I look ahead, I miss .. :) Don’t really know about silver linings in the clouds – I wanna enjoy the clouds as much, and yes ……… ..........

Feel alive at last….

Maybe I just expect too much, or I really live well, or my standards are high, or most of the world is just mediocre, or maybe I have become paranoid, or maybe I am missing a few intimate ones very much, or maybe I am having initial blues, or maybe I should have waited for sometime, or maybe I am in a hurry, or maybe….. All these questions were playing on my mind, a few still playing… The answer is – I really don’t know. Finally, I feel a little alive – got internet access, messengers on, and at least feel that I can ping and contact a few with a few key strokes. P.S:Moved to Mumbai – New Job – Will shortly move to USA Puram

Do You Have a Dirty Mind?

Your Mind is PG-13 Rated Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy. You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude. Do You Have a Dirty Mind?

How Worldly Are You?

You Are Very Worldly You're an international jet setter - or pretty darn close. And while you may feel like you have many more places to visit... Most people live their whole lives without seeing what you've seen. In fact, you're probably going to be traveling again soon. So Bon Voyage! How Worldly Are You?

How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?

You Are 89% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?

Are You Running on Adrenaline?

You Are Running on 66% Adrenaline Your Adrenaline Level: Borderline Dangerous You're running around so fast, you don't realize how quickly life is passing you by. While you may be getting a lot done, you're on the go lifestyle is probably wearing you out. Are You Running on Adrenaline?

Are You An Optimist or Pessimist?

You Are an Optimist You definitely see the sunny side of life, even when things aren't going so great. And while you may not be a realist, your optimism has really improved your quality of life. You have the energy to take charge, solve your problems, and enjoy life for what it is. Optimists are happier and healthier - so keep thinking positive! Are You An Optimist or Pessimist?

Are You Prejudiced?

You Are Not Prejudiced Not only are you color blind, but you're also ethnicity blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind. You don't judge someone until you truly know them. And even then, you're probably reluctant to judge. You try to treat everyone equally. Everyone has a fair chance with you. Good job - there's not a prejudiced bone in your body. Are You Prejudiced?

Could You Be Violent?

There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body You're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin. And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly. You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option. Could You Be Violent?

How Do Your Kisses Rate?

Your Kissing Grade: A+ You are truly an amazing kisser. Your kisses are extraordinarily mind blowing.Whether you're naturally a good kisser or not, you've taken the time learn how to be the best kisser possible.Anyone would be lucky to get a kiss from you! How Do Your Kisses Rate?

What Color Crayon Are You?

You Are a Yellow Crayon Your world is colored with happy, warm, fun colors. You have a thoughtful and wise way about you. Some people might even consider you a genius. Charming and eloquent, you are able to get people to do things your way. While you seem spontaneous and free wheeling, you are calculating to the extreme. Your color wheel opposite is purple. You both are charismatic leaders, but purple people act like you have no depth. What Color Crayon Are You?


I cherish silence, but when I am all alone. I enjoy silence with a loved one - its soothing and one of the best things to share. To me silence, is when words are not required to speak, and everything understood. Words render themselves rather useless. But there are moments I hate silence; when silence does not soothe, and is replaced by “no conversation”. I would rather prefer someone showing me the finger, or vent out than be quiet. Some things I still can’t sleep over are when there is no conversation, or when there are unanswered questions. Long for the shared brilliant silence – not the ‘silent no conversation’.

In the ebb

Words never cease to amaze me, and how there are so many different words to express the great myriad of constantly (?) changing human emotions! I wonder many times, what about people who really do not have a good vocabulary? Does having a limited vocabulary mean that the person has fewer emotions to deal with? If Yes – Whoa! If No – Then s/he will express different emotions in the same way, there by; no one really knows what s/he is really going through! Now let’s take the converse: Great Vocabulary – specific words to express every thing – Whoa! But, how many out there really understand every single word? End result - no one really knows what s/he is really going through! :) What irony! And there are moments, when words just fail. You want to speak, but really do not know what to speak – All that you really want is a calm assurance saying – it’s okay, and know that you are just off at this moment. 2 places where this assurance comes from – First - God – for He knows everything, contro...

Bomb Blasts in Hyderabad

Angry, sad and fail to understand what these idiots achieve by bombing public places- and how they take pride in killing innocent people who would have not wronged them, or know anything about whatever justified or unjustified cause they hide behind. I hate how News Channels jump to quick conclusions, and think about hiking up TRP ratings by reporting unverified news. It's soothing when friends call or message and ask just one lil question - Are you safe? Nice to hear you speak and hang up, and not ask a million questions. Just shows that they were not gathering additional news.

What a Moron I am

That's all to this post... post midnight, berift of sleep, you expect anything better. I hate myself at this point in time.

Changing times

That's all to the post!


I have tolerated nonsense for a tad too long – and yes, I guess, it’s about time to wrap up a few things. The week that has gone by, I have seen how petty people can be, how magnanimous can bullshit be made to look, and how changing logic and reason, succumbing to the pressure of time (and a whole lot of things) can be coated with a layer of dripping louve ( read this ). I am in a demolition mood, but thanks to a couple of good friends – blood is spared. Every time I try to think on anything from passé, my mind leaps a few years ahead into life, and of how things will be – Never really have looked back on the past with spite or benevolence! …and for the first time – I feel – I should get extremely selfish about what I want, what I want to do, and what I don’t want to do, and there by place the world and everything and everyone into that paradigm – Why – The pain will be less! The way I am – I give in more than myself into what I do (~work) and with a few people I care about. End of th...

Flickering flame

A flickering flame is the worst thing - you toggle between hope and disdain, between logic and reality, between the now and the when, and between why and the how? ~ John 2007

It's really all about you

Yes! At the end of the day, it’s really all about you, you, you alone. The “I, me, myself” surfaces from Hades, from behind the many faces we wear which is an amalgam of education, civilization, co-existence and obligation. And somewhere in all of this, is juxtaposed, something we call hope – hope that originates from a deep down spark of real truth – A truth that defines logic, builds faith and the fire that really drives us – and in saner days sans the obscurity, we know, we speak, we live and we do things that really just gravitate to one focal point – YOU The question resounds – At the end of the day, what is that one thing that defines you? Have I lost all hope and hence sound cynical – I remember the madman running the streets of ancient world – shouting – …. who lit up a lantern in the radiant hours of morning, ran into the market place, and cried out: “I seek God! I seek God!” – Since many of the people who did not believe in God were gathered there, he provoked a great deal of...

Life on mortgage

Dreams, hope, love, relationships, career and a thousand other words and their interplay with bold italic words of being responsible, planning ahead, negotiating well, sharp thinking, selling etc, all just to get ahead in the rat race, a little more push in the career, and little more in life, a few more dollars, a few more smiles and then will pause and take the sip of gratification and pause, and then take some rest. ... and then that one thing that has been justified by a million words, every day with a passing finesse of every vaporizing moment comes knocking on - at what price, at what cost? ... a few moments of happiness, a few moments of pleasure, a few moments of living, a few moments of being nice, a few moments of sipping off the vintage wine that we brewed over tears and toil are all lost for eternity for sure, a one moment a time. The mirage scintillates in the shimmer of hope and the promise of a new day, that we'll live, not pay the cost anymore, reduce the price and ...

Work and Pleasure

Mixing work with pleasure will strip pleasure of its pleasurability - the converse? what converse?

The Comeback

Whats important to me is that you get up after falling, and not live with the fear of falling again! I love taking risks, I dont mind losing the game, and I am happy to lose too - but in the end, will get up, run and win. After all if everyone adopts the philosophy of the fear of losing, and playing it safe, there will be none left to play - none - N-O-N-E. I am happy that the world is full of morons and a few sane people - All sane people would make the world truly moronic. I am back - Cheers!


Courage is the ability to accept the way you are, every time and all the time. Let’s take this scenario from the movie Ta ra rum pum: Xai: Why can't the parents tell the kids that they are broke? Do they think that the kids can’t understand and handle the truth? WW: Well, it’s not a question of whether the kids can understand or not, but the parents cannot handle the truth and hence are afraid and think the kids can’t handle it. That’s the truth of the matter - Most often than not, when we hold back an opinion or camouflage a situation to sound "politically right" or just “stay quiet”, thinking the other person cannot handle the truth, the reality of the fact is that, we do not have the courage to face it up, and really deal with it, and pass it off as the other person not ready to handle it. Well, an argument can be made, that it’s not always that way with all - I disagree - the fact that you thought about some person with regards to a matter, is proof enough that pers...


Drained, drained & drained – nothing drains me more than having to convince that I am honest about something, and after a time, all that you can hope is, that you will be seen from outside the mess. I do not subscribe to the karmic cycle, but one thing I definitely believe – You Screw Up – You Pay Up. I realize that I see things from a long term both ways – a long term of events that shaped me up, my situations, my everything, and a forward view of what things can be, hope of better things, and always a smile in the stride – However, something that does not really change is the way I behave by the – point-in-time of how I feel. At present, I am just drained – I hope for a smile to shine through in the morning. ~ to myself, John 2007


A part of me is dead – A part of me! It’s not a side (~intellectual / emotional / romantic / philosophical / mathematical / physical / spiritual / professional / educational / behavioral / musical / dramatic / foolish / funny / serious etc) of me but a PART of me. My heart weeps and the mind mourns the death of it, as it feels and tries to come to terms with the death – Had it been a side of me, things would have been clear, easy and composed. Like all death, I will mourn for sometime, and life goes on. What’s important is that there is a huge part that is alive. I will not brood on finding out what is dead – cos, the more you dig into what’s dead, the stinky and rotten it gets. Unfortunately, you cannot awaken what’s dead, but can grow back into being the ‘full of life’. I am glad that life is like that, at least till we die physically. These are the words that have been ringing in my head for the last couple of hours, and the fact that I pay tribute to death; I guess a part of me is ...

No - Just a Plain No

I have realised that most often, we complain that we really did not have a choice, succumbed to pressure, or had to be politically correct, or had to take a stand in favour of the tilted-weighted circumstances, and saying a "No" was impossible and by default seen as wrong. After a series of meetings today at office, and some rather stupid arbitrary intellectual orgasms and a plethora of reasons why somethings are justified as being right, despite the facts screaming other wise, and some anecdotes from personal experience, I believe this is the primary problem. We do not really have the courage and the conviction to say a 'No' to our self , before we take an external stance. I guess, dealing with a binary answer at a microcosm level of self, demands the greatest of faith and courage (unfortunately) in our own self . We are bred and live in a world where we strive to get an approval for every thing that we do, and somewhere compete, constantly battle the fear of a loss...


I am so bloody bored in life - Too bored to even blog - Thankfully, there are books. Work is going great guns - But Bored Too little entertainment in the world - So Bored Gyan Giving - Too Boring Gyan Receiving - Hmm - Any Gyan on How not to be bored? Boring! Friends - The ones I wanna Hang Out with are out of town or Busy - Others are Boring Relatives - Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed Church - I am now officially on the 'watch out dude - rebel list' - Bored Flings, ONS - Not interested - Bored Short term romance - hmmm - does that exist? Bored Long term romance - by the time latitudes, longitudes, wave lengths, conduction, entropy, dimensions etc fall in place............ - huh - Bored (for readers with lesser IQ - Latitude + Longitude = Demographics, Wave Lengths = Compatibility (not someone you can get bored of / whom you can spend endless time with, without they getting on to your nerves), Conduction = That warm feeling that can pass th...

Lineage of patience

How is that we have the greatest of patience with everything else in the world except ourselves, our parents, our realtives, our bosses and then our friends in that order. Phew - Yes God is outside(~above) this list. ~ John

Unfinished Business

This started out as a real looooooooooooooooooooooooooong blog post on so many things that seem to hanging in mid-air, and quite a lot of analysis, world views, dreams, realities, hope, heartbreaks et all - and then, I realise - Why am I trying to end it all, I am not dying tomorrow, or I am not retiring in life, or not 60, 70 or some 80+ guy! Just taking a step back - and hmmm, I am glad I am 28 and take life as it comes. Surprises and unexpected turns will be welcomed with open arms. Phew!

Caesar IV

Rewind to 1999-2000, and long nights were spent playing C aeser in my first job... always get excited playing strategy games. Anyways, the game is pretty expensive, and its been quite long since I indulged in any expensive buy for self - and was thinking, hmm .... do I really deserve to buy this....and this is what sam sends in a mail.. 10 reasons why johnnie deserves Ceaser IV He’s been nice to Sam through her cranky phase He stopped playing Darwin He was determined to lose weight and he lost a lot He hasn ’t bought anything expensive for a long, long time He took Sam and Avu to Charminar on Sunday evening He’s spending more on cleaning up his language, anyway Wipro is turning him into a weird kind of moron otherwise He doesn ’t read Asterix so Caesar is a way to ancient rome Its better than bubbles He has dimples!

I am in a SHIFT+DELETE mood

..and here comes the list shaadi .com profile (created as a JV between Parents and Sibling) orkut profile Hotmail account, Rediff , Sifymail Linkedin SPUR ETR (extra terrestrial research...huh!!) burn all the project CDs of my work life throw away scrapbooks from school delete a few relatives all pictures in the mobile all videos of myself all material related to physics & maths all pictures of childhood (not many though) format laptop, desktop every damm thing that has data reset my brain (everything goes - worldviews, gyan , memories, education, philosophy et all) burn all certificates of achievement cancel all credit cards cancel all loan accounts (~ money I gave :P) delete phone book will keep this post though, incase I need to be reminded and have to make a comeback like "Agent J" in MIB - II Absurd!

Another facet of Johnnie

If you can't solve the problem, become the problem! ~ my philosophy :P

just a little tired

... no blogs being posted of late - lots of work, tired and fatigued too (ofcourse not bcos of work). Working on 3 blogs and they seem to take for ever to finish! Thought for the day: How does reason tell us that we have been unreasonable, and when we are unreasonable, says that its based on reason ? hahahaha - I need a break - I just know where to be refreshed!

pretty wide spectrum

Anita said this and insists that I blog this statment about me - John has a spectrum of impressing 5 footers to 50+ mami's (ofcourse all female) ! ~ and I say - Phew ! - No Girl Friend, No Relationship, No Fling, No Anything... quite a talent unutilized I say - ppl - Options Open - Refer or be there :P hahahah


Always wonder why the eyes mist irrespective of whether the memories are pleasant or ugly! Something I have been thinking about, over the last couple of weeks - 'more than experience shaping us, its the memories that we create, the memories we cherish, the memories we choose to leave behind, and the memories we choose to remember that shape and influence our personality' While experience chips off the rough edges and probably will get us the glitter in the long run, it's really the memories that shape us in the present, and influence how we behave, what we choose and how we want to look ahead at things. Ah ... memories

Honest answers

Hmmm... one of the rare 'why' questions I ask - Rare for the fact - I dont ask 'why' in general Why do we expect to hear a nice sounding answer, when you already know the honest answer, and disapprove of the person (not really....but hmm kinds) if s/he gave the right sounding answer, and cringe within if the answer was honest; hoping, you heard some sugared words? WHY? ~ hmmm Ans: The heart is made of flesh I suppose :P

Compliments in Gult Land

One of the biggest compliments a guy or girl can get in Gult land is – ‘you are not a gult’ Hmmm….

Pain, Pleasure and Meaningless thereof....

These words jarringly resound to a point of cacophony in the head, that you wonder whether the quiet that is disturbed is a mathematical consequence of a series of actions you have taken, or another dictum enforced in the myriads of fate, or the moving of the mysterious hand of an infinite God, or just about a tyranny of thoughts in a point in time and context battle? As humans, by sheer survival instincts that we have developed over the last many thousands of years (either by the ‘survival of fittest’ theory or by the ‘rapid pushing of the limits in science, civilization and thought’), we are seasoned, equipped to deal and define our existence to start with and thereby the quality of life by the pain we are subjected to, the pain we can deal with, and the pain we can at will can cause on another human being. It’s awing to see that the seemingly correct answer to pain is ‘to pleasure’ and here we go down the hill, on a ride of pleasure to conquer pain! Pleasure at its core is a just a ...

Missing Day

Today, I am in a "miss a lot of things" mood I miss the Himalayas I miss Mumbai I miss the fine weather after rain I miss bunking office I miss peacock lake I miss watching movies alone I miss Mumbai I miss brilliant traditional home cooked andhra veggie food I miss reading heavy philosophy (all philosophers are dead) I miss writing intense blogs I miss giving gyan (free gyan kinds - paid yes :P) I miss the glee in the eye for simple thingies I miss being rebellious I miss being irreverent I miss the joy of sunday school I miss hardcore intellectual debates I miss arguments where both the parties have a strong case I miss apologetics I miss running 10 kms I miss 'managing' credit cards I miss being the good son (7 th class was the last known attempt) I miss working on a 1000 item project plan I miss making black money (hmmm... should start back) I miss running small alternate business(es) I miss Dark Temptation @ barista I miss staying awake till 4 AM I miss pla...

I am non billable for so many months - so proud of myself


How does your life compare quiz?

Your Life is Better Than 86% of All People You really lucked out. Your life is ideal and practically perfect. You shouldn't have a care or worry in the world... And make sure you remember that when something little gets you down. Most people would kill for your life. So be happy that you're the one living it! How Does Your Life Compare?

no title

hmmm... takes another friend of mine to rescue me from completing the telugu alphabet - shame on me !! - My telugu skills are rather poor

At what price would you sell out?

On Average, You Would Sell Out For $1,108,402 At What Price Would You Sell Out? Next time you wanna buy me, that's the price.....

The three dimension luck and power test

You Are Internal - Realist - Powerful You feel your life is controlled internally. If you want something, you make it happen. You don't wait around for things to go your way. You value your independence and don't like others to have control. You are a realist when it comes to luck. You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random. You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you... But you do your best to try to make your own luck. When it comes to who's in charge, it's you. Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler. You don't care much about what others think. But they better care what you think! The Three Dimension Luck and Power Test

how much is your life worth - Whatever :P

Your Life Is Worth... $989,000 How Much Is Your Life Worth?

The sesame street personality

You Are Bert Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them! You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

Whats your thinking style

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion. You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.You tend to ground those around you and add stability. What's" Your Thinking Style?

Wired World

I am up early (the body clock does not know it's a Saturday ) and I guess I am a little too addicted to the wired world - It's amusing that you wake up, and want to clear your head before meeting real people, but straight out zoom into the wired world. You check mails - you know that you would not have got any (you just checked 7 hours ago) - I don't get many mails, cos I don't write many mails - and alas no Spam to clean either! These mailing marketing agencies are not working efficiently :P Blog - Hmm , the best part of this is - its your own blog - you can do what ever you like. So I decide, hmmm let me blog and start the day. Read all the drafts - the ones that for reasons of sociability or privacy which have not been published, and I sigh reading them, cos - they are some of the best - but, no real point publishing them now - the straight ones will not make sense as you chose to play the nice boy in a jinxed moment, and the sweet ones will not make sense, as...

the smile is back

All that it takes, sometimes is to just be there, not fret, not think, let go (of yourself) , just stand by, with a faith that HE knows the future, has planned for the best, not flog yourself, and begin thinking of how things could have been or why? I am a guy who never asks WHY? but cannot sleep without the WHAT being answered. I remember saying this to Arjun - Align the When, against the WHAT, Why evolves! I guess sometimes, life is squeezed into becoming myopic by us, that the only thing that you choose to see, is the immediate ramification possible in the near future (paradoxically against the whole realm of past + future) , we just become blind. Anyways, after the last couple of weeks and all the rampage on self and blog, and a few unfortunate souls around me, I am back to what I am - the happy johnnie - I guess, I just cannot be sad for long - Just can't be - the wheels are moving - a new sense of discipline in thought, words and deeds - a fresh pumped energy of lookin...

New Name

Hence forth I shall be called D esperate M eanie B ubbles C heater

Hmm... ridiculous


crayons @ Doodle rakshasi .com


Pragmatism Vs Realism

To Kavita , my sister and valiant warrior Pragmatism is based on reason and logic, while being realistic is based on a set of facts and most possible outcomes (in cold words, a set of equations that render themselves to the realistic outcome – It’s a mathematical certainty). Being pragmatic involves the 'will' to be, while realistic is given the current variables, is the most realistic outcome. The sad factor in dealing with pragmatics and realistic(s) is that, pragmatics see realistic(s) as hung and haggled upon, while realistic(s) mock the logic of being pragmatics, for in essence pragmatics deny that it was a decision of the will, but make it appear as the most sensible thing to do. The best part of this – Pragmatics I guess bring a balance in the environment by peaceful coexistence, and realistic(s) upset this peace and give more food for thought - in the process – thought, people and species evolve.

Why ?

Life is simple, and straight, as long as we choose to abide by the simple and straight rules of life! Why is it that we are so bent on complicating life? Why can't we take things at face value? Why can't we live, like there is no tomorrow? Why can't we stop borrowing from yesterday's baggage? Why can't we love, in a way that you have nothing but more love to give? Why can't we just be ourselves? Why can't we not stop dreaming? So many questions in my head that are bombarding and stolen my peace. Why? I may not get all the answers myself, but down on my knees, I get an assurance, and in those cradled arms, anxiety melts - The feeling that I can win when I am on my knees, and that I am loved the most, in the cradled arms, makes me look ahead through this gloomy phase. ~ an old post - with a minor difference - no cradled arms

Thank God, India's out of World Cup

Taken from ET - I love this article There’s a brighter side to India’s exit from the World Cup. Something that can cheer up disappointed fans and angry advertisers. Sri Lanka has done a great favour to Indian economy by ousting the cricket team from the World Cup. There are about 80 million cable and satellite viewing homes in India. According to TAM ratings, the average viewership of all World Cup matches held till now stands at about 3%, with India vs Bangladesh touching a high of 7.25%. To reach the finals, India would have played at least seven more matches. Considering a TV Rating of 7.25%, at least 5.8 million people would have watched the match. This would have resulted in a productivity loss of 371.2 million man hours (5.8 million x 8 hours x 8 matches), apart from stress faced by mothers during exams. About 3% of 81 million TV viewers (2.4 million) were ardent cricket fans and would have sat through all eight hours in the remaining 28 matches. Thus overall, Indian team’s oust...

The paradox of time

Why am I posting this - As a reminder to myself to be there! thats all All others - Don't read beyond the headline - If you still do read - hmmmm - you might wanna post one for yourself too - no copyrights violated! I guess, when you feel the need most - to speak to someone, even the inner circle of friends, are either busy, not interested in speaking, or just avoid for reasons valid to them at this point in time. Most battles in life, I had to fight alone! when it mattered - somehow the scene emptied itself - this set me thinking - John - were you there, when it mattered to someone who needed you - My memory says - barring people who dinn bother to ask or call or hint, for the people who mattered, I was there at any point without questions asked except on 3 occasions! I wonder though how much those 3 occasions meant to the people in context. Last 10 calls, 5 SMS - 1 response from the most unlikely guy !

How Peaceful Are You Quiz

You Are 69% Peaceful You are a very peaceful person. All is good in your world, no matter what's going on. Occasionally you let your problems get to you, but you generally remain upbeat. Your inner strength is inspirational - much more so than you may realize. How Peaceful Are You?

What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now?

Your Emoticon is Sad You're feeling a tad depressed right now. It will likely pass soon, but for now, you need some major cheering up! What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now?

What Kind Of Friend Are You?

You Are A Good Friend You're always willing to listen Or lend a shoulder to cry on You're there through thick and thin Many people consider you their "best friend"! What Kind of Friend Are You?

How Rare Is Your Personality

Your Personality is Very Rare (INTP) Your personality type is goofy, imaginative, relaxed, and brilliant. Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 6% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?

What Extreme Sport Should You Try

You Should Try Heli Skiing Untouched powder, challenging runs... Perfect for seasoned ski bums! What Extreme Sport Should You Try?

What's your love style?

Your Love Style is Eros For you, love is all about the passion! And chances are, you're currently in love. You have a strong physical response to love... And you are great at committing (As long as the person makes your toes curl!) What's Your Love Style?

What do people envy about you?

People Envy Your Confidence You have the attitude and self esteem to take on anything. Failure is beyond not an option for you - it doesn't even cross your mind. People envy your ability to take on any challenge ... and they're secretly afraid you think you're better than them. You don't. You're just sure of yourself. What Do People Envy About You?

Are you a good cook?

You Are a Creative Cook Your cooking is unusual, inspired, and definitely one of a kind. People love your unique style, but you've had your share of kitchen flops. You have the makings of a cult chef. You may not cook at the Four Seasons, but you could have your own little funky cafe in San Francisco! Are You A Good Cook?

Are You Spoiled

You Are 16% Spoiled You are definitely not spoiled. You've worked hard for what you have. Down to earth and grounded, you don't need a lot to make you happy. Are You Spoiled?

How Aquarius Are You?

You are 87% Aquarius How Aquarius Are You?

Whats your religious philosophy?

You are a Believer You believe in God and your chosen religion. Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu.. Your convictions are strong and unwavering. You think your religion is the one true way, for everyone. What's Your Religious Philosophy?

What Type of Weather Are You?

You Are Rain You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming. Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you. You are best known for: your touch Your dominant state: changing What Type of Weather Are You?

How Much Envy Do You Have

Your Envy Quotient: 9% Envious? You? No way! You're happy with what you've got going on, and what someone else has doesn't change that. When people succeed, you are happy for them. You know you'll get yours eventually! How Much Envy Do You Have?

Do you follow your head or heart?

You Follow Your Head You're rational, collected, and logical. Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love. In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky. While you're cool, you're not ice cold. You just know what you want, and don't mind waiting to get it. Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?

How Powerful Are You

Your Power Level is: 88% You have all the tools you need to be a success - both professionally and personally. You'll probably go beyond reaching your goals. You'll change the world (at least a little). How Powerful Are You?

Your Hidden Talent

Your Hidden Talent You have the power to persuade and influence others. You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! What's Your Hidden Talent?

How Daring Are You

You Are a Dare Devil For you, life is one big dare. And you're all in for any adventure. Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating. You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself! How Daring Are You?

down the memory lane

When you stop dreaming (I mean the sleep dream kinds), your cerebellum being a compulsive dreamer, starts swinging in a pandemonium, oscillating between memory lane and ‘forged’ future. Down the memory lane, I see Sister’s first day of school My first day at school Younger sister cradled Younger sister dead First girl friend carrying my bag and lunch First sofa First Almarah Summer vacations Hordes of cousins Aunty married Me behind the camera lens 16 MM projector Temple pranks 1.2 KV generator Self proclaimed mechanic Scooter Youngest baby to cradle (1 hour old) Adventure club Pen pal club (ya… I was actually in a pen pal club hahhahah ) Rock band Memory verse champion Sunday School Football Board Exams Gang fight Books (O Henry, Henry David Thoreau, abridged classics, Tintin , Spiderman ) High school sweetheart First Kiss The rise of the rebel Books (psychology, kinestics , chaos theory, Darwin, all classics) Odd jobs Young detective Walk out of home Walk out of exams EAMCET Bike I...

Sleep - Poem from yester years

hmm.. the bet was to use some ... whatever... drooping eyes, darkening sight.. the mind awake to newest aims "will" that ain't bow, lest loose; honor claims am I the first,or the last? compete compete compete - thats all for an insight seeing the sun, the stars fled.. time for everything and none for nothing -kills "brightness" that conquereth. darkeness the spells the circle continues, who chose whom and who'd fled? bees unto daisies, dew unto mountains one wanted and another to be wanted "Love" that aint hurt, strife that love tainted to grow or to fall, (to) from heights of mountains drooping eyes, darkening sight.. reasoning weakens, and breating slows "will" that loses, sleep that blows am I the first,or the last? every one sleeps - thats all for an insight

Sleep - Quote of the day

Sleep is the state of being unconscious for a while, so that you can wake up to a happy consciousness – Then there are idiots, who stay awake, so very conscious about every thing, and think that, they can better consciousness itself – The yester generation called them “philosophers”, my generation calls them “morons” ~ John 2007

its 2318

its 2318, and I am tired, fatigued, feel spent I am tired of being nice, accommodate, being upright, running, hearing, talking, advising.... just tired... business, money, plans, house, friends, relatives, frienships, all Want lots of pampering, unconditional love and just bear me cranky for once a while... I am just tired even sleep is upset with me... Piety?

The rationale of reason

Have been rather pensive for a couple of days and finally reason shone, much to my dismay as a paradox – Here it comes... The problem with logic and rationale is that, at the end, you need to balance it out – in the process, what we take with one hand, is given out through the other! Point in fact – The core issue or if I may borrow the heavy word – the quintessential meaning of the thought is reasoned out, and a decision is arrived, by subject to the will or faith , by the view point or the general state of disposition we choose. Every thing is as much or more, a subject of the will, and reason, logic & critique therefore of anything is just about to get us to a sublimated state of apparent comfort in thought. Rationality broods rationalism (~sans experience), and rationalism begets reason, and reason subdues the will – the will laughs, saying – you ‘will(ed)’ at the beginning to be rational.

Humility - Quote of the day

You cannot really be humble until you have seen the grandeur of what’s possible, and beyond ~ John 2007

All in one lifetime!

hmm... Malcom Muggeridge's view about the 20th century - I wonder - How true! - Are we heading to a shrinked version of this - in retrospect - feel already so much in half a lifetime (will publish my version of this a lil later) - Here comes the original... We look back upon history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling. Revolutions and Counterrevolutions. Wealth accumulated and wealth disbursed. Shakespeare has written of the rise and fall of great ones, that ebb and flow with the moon. I look back upon my own fellow countrymen, once upon a time dominating a quarter of the world, most of them convinced, in the words of what is still a popular song, that the God who made them mighty, shall make them mightier yet. I've heard a crazed, cracked Austrian announce to the world the establishment of a Reich that would last a thousand years. I have seen an Italian clown say he was going to stop and restart the calendar with his own ascension to power. I've heard a murdero...

Newer definitions of success

Quite a few friends are getting married, and my parents are also on the hunt- Key elements that are considered success factors in this circus (by both sides): Engineer / Doctor 6 or approaching 7 Digit salary (per month .....hahahahah) Own house Sedan Sibilings married and settled MNC Job US / Europe Job permits Consistent 10 pointers God's will (ya after all those above points, you think god will have a problem - ya right) Extract from a leading book with respectable data collection and analysis What Girls want from Guys (in order of importance / success factors) Personality Humor Sensitivity Brains What Guys want from Girls (in order of importance / success factors) Personality Good Looks Brains Humor suprising that the success factor set does not appear anywhere - hmm - Whatever!

Quality lies in the finer detail

The prerogative of processed thought is that – it’s a long unwinding path to dissect and get to the core of anything, and all along the path, you learn a lot about the finer detail, and when the reconstruct happens – the same thoughts, truths and objects are seen in a completely new realm – and you hear people speaking an alien language about the same simple thing. For a long time, I always wondered, why those paintings by the great masters are auctioned at such obscene prices, and how those skimpy looking rags worn at a fashion show get so much publicity, and how that skinny looking babe is devoured (~praised) by so many onlookers, and how come a few students all in an IQ / EQ / SQ range of less than 5 percentile between them still shine through, and an average batsmen suddenly over the years appears as the best one in the world, and our best friends / partners in life are the ones who all, on the outside are really not very different, but some still make a huge difference, and I sta...